About Marci

What's up, it's your favorite transfem enby radicalized by existing while queer.

I don't have any memories of the noncorporate internet, sadly. The closest I have are some fuzzy memories of old YouTube and playing Roblox tycoons on a big chunky WinXP laptop. The search dog will live on forever in my heart, and if this site ever gets a search function you get exactly one guess what's going on the bar.

I've only gotten relatively serious (read: obsessive) about Y2K, early CG, and the old-school internet within the past couple years, and Marciland is my attempt to portray a more romanticized faketech internet from around that time period. Webcrawlers scraping all the text off a site are cool in their own right, but giant flying robots that ominously scan digital landmasses and harvest their precious phlebotinum are much cooler.

About Marciland

Far, far in yesterday's future, nearly every person alive is intimately connected to the Net. The vast majority of these people spend the vast majority of their time somewhere in the High Net, a region of 16 contiguous layers that were bled dry of their resources long ago. To sustain so many netizens, the megacorporations that control the High Net have had to expand resource extraction efforts into the Low Net. The Low Net is 256 layers of mostly-untamed web wilderness, but far too much of its beauty is being spoiled by the destruction of the cyberenvironment. Marciland is right at the bottom, Layer 255, and even down here the first surveyors are starting to crop up. Beneath the beautiful waves is the Deep Net, an unstructured void of various dark blues that holds both treasures and terrors beyond imagination.

Where do you fit into all of this? ...iunno. That's the fun of storytelling!